Loving Myself Awake February 2017
Tantra Sacred Loving | February is for LOVE! |
Welcome to February Conscious Lovers,
Are you ready to spice up your love life? Whether you are in partnership or single, there are techniques and practices you can utilize to bring more pleasure into your body. I highly recommend a morning practice of Loving Myself Awake, it is a perfect time to awaken the body with love and gratitude. It is a simple process that takes 5-10 minutes (or more if you choose). Upon awakening take a deep cleansing breath, in through the nose out through the mouth, envision your heart expanding with the energy of love and gratitude and smile. Continue to breath deeply and begin to touch your body, I like to start at my feet, noticing each and every part of the foot. Use several modalities of Touch (class coming in April) and remember to fill up with love and gratitude as you touch your body. Inhale love, exhale gratitude. The purpose of this touch is activate the nerve endings and to feel the sensations in the body. Move up your leg, notice your calf, your shin, your knee, that sweet spot behind the knee, your thigh, your buttock and into your pelvic area and genitals. Now the other foot and repeat. Allow your hands to wander and feel the uniqueness of your skin, the hairs on your body, play with light touch, scratching, kneading, tapping… whatever feels right in the moment. As your hands move up your body, feel your belly, notice the curvature of your hips and waist, your ribs and back. Can you touch every bit of skin on your back? Explore your chest, your breasts and nipples, the armpits and move down your arms. Notice the places that you find especially sensual. Take the touch all the way into your fingertips and back up the arm to do the other side. Stretch and breath and love and appreciate. Explore your neck, your ears, your face, your head and through your hair. Take time with yourself to love and appreciate this amazing body that is uniquely yours. This practice of Loving Myself Awake is a yummy way to begin each and every day. Blessings on your discoveries. I look forward to hearing about your Loving Myself Awake experiences and how this practice is fueling your days. Look what’s coming up in February and March! WoW these are powerhouse experiences for you to learn more Tantra techniques, explore the art of conscious loving while activating and mastering your energy body, and develop a new skill set in communication. We are truly blessed with these opportunities. I love that our conscious community is growing and expanding in the Reno Area. There are so many opportunities for us to explore our spiritual paths. See you soon. As a special offer, we are extending the Early Bird discount for the Lover’s Weekend Workshop and NLP Workshop until Friday February 3. Mark your calendars for upcoming Tantra Sacred Loving Events: February 1, 2017 7:30-9:30 PM — THE LOVE PUJA Please check out all our upcoming events on the calendar page of Tantra Sacred Loving. If you are a fan of Facebook, please join us on the Tantra Sacred Loving Workshop Love and Blessings to you, info@tantrasacredloving.com |
Santa’s Prayer
Good Morning Conscious Lovers! Loving Myself Awake is the best way to start this day of Christmas preparation. It is a prayer and meditation!
🎅 “Santa’s Christmas Prayer” 🎅
The sleigh was packed,
the reindeer were fed,
But Santa still knelt
by the side of the bed.
“Dear Father,” he prayed
“Be with me tonight.
There’s much work to do
and my schedule is tight.
I must jump in my sleigh
and streak through the sky,
Knowing full well
that a reindeer can’t fly.
I will visit each household
before the first light,
I’ll cover the world
and all in one night.
With sleigh bells a-ringing,
I’ll land on each roof,
Amid the soft clatter
of each little hoof.
To get in the house
is the difficult part,
So I’ll slide down the chimney
of each little heart.
My sack will hold toys
to grant all their wishes.
The supply will be endless
like the loaves and the fishes.
I will fill all the stockings
and not leave a track.
I’ll eat every cookie
that’s left for my snack.
I can do all these things Lord,
only through You,
I just need your blessing,
then it’s easy to do.
All this is to honor
the birth of the One,
That was sent to redeem us,
Your most Holy Son.
So to all of my friends,
lest Your glory I rob,
Please Lord, remind them,
who gave me this job.”
by Warren D. Jennings
A Special Offer
We want to offer you a special holiday gift that we believe will revolutionize your love life. It’s the ground-breaking new Long Hot Tantric Love Making ebook by fellow Tantra teachers Somraj Pokras and Dr. Jeffre TallTrees of TantraAtTahoe.com at half-price.
There are few books that concentrate on sacred mechanics of sexual intercourse and the full sexual union of heart, mind, and soul. Long Hot Tantric Love Making covers everything you need to know to supercharge love and sex including foreplay, sex by hand, oral sex, anal sex, sexual positions, and in-bed communication skills. You’ll read erotic secrets new and old about how to make an emotional connection, target your erogenous zones, connect your passion circuits, create energy circles, and fill your whole bodies with pleasure every time. Whether you’re male or female, gay or straight, it will show you exactly what to do once your sexual organs are connected, how to maximize your sexual energy, and how to expand your intimacy to make coupling last longer and more exciting than you’ve ever imagined.
You can read lots more about Long Hot Tantric Love Making in their free online guided tour here… http://www.tantraattahoe.com/tantric-love-making.htm . It normally costs $14.99 to download. But we’ve arranged with Somraj and Jeffre for you to get it for half-price, that’s $7.49, this month. Just be sure to use this special secret link http://bit.ly/2hruXv9 before New Years to get the 50% discount.
“Long Hot Tantric Love Making EBOOK: The Ultimate How-To Guide To Orgasmic Sex And Sexual Intercourse For Women And Men”
Our tenth Tantric sex ebook is a how-to guide that shows you how to have the most earth-shattering sex you’ve ever dreamed of whether you’re male or female, gay or straight. Sure, sexual intercourse is natural, but so few lovers know how to make it super for both him and her.
We cover everything you need to know to supercharge sex including foreplay, intimacy, oral and anal sex, sexual positions, and in-bed communication skills. You’ll read love secrets new and old that detail how to make an emotional connection first, target your erogenous zones, connect your passion circuits, create energy circles, and fill your whole bodies with pleasure every time.
Unlike many general sex books, it focuses on the mechanics, dynamics, and energetics of sexual intercourse with color illustrations. With a thorough review of modern science and classical techniques from Tantra, the Kama Sutra, and ancient China, we show you how to expand your intimacy into the full erotic union of heart, mind, and soul while you’re doing it. Plus, with our explicit step-by-step instructions, you’ll learn how to enjoy any of the 12 ways to orgasm that you’ve missed out on.
We’re a long-time married couple — a Ph.D. sex therapist and a Fortune 500 people-skills trainer — who have taught Tantra for nearly 20 years. We wrote this ebook because too few women are emotionally fulfilled and sexually satisfied. And too few men know how to extend their lovemaking, have multiple orgasms themselves, and thoroughly satisfy their partners. By reading our new ebook, you’ll discover how to make sex super-natural so you can reach the pinnacle of sexual ecstasy together whenever you make love.
Our exposė is as much a sexual diary of our sex life as it is an easy-to-follow program to give you exactly what you want in bed. In these pages we’ve shared the ups and downs of our actual intimate encounters as if we were having a private, frank, but tasteful conversation with you in person.
Long Hot Tantric Love Making has three primary goals: 1) making lovemaking last longer, 2) expanding your sexual repertoire to include all 12 types of orgasm, and 3) making lovemaking so orgasmic that you will want to do it again and again. It’s the complete no-holds-barred graphic story of how we made our sex life more satisfying than we ever imagined possible. And how you can, too.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming by Susan G. Branch
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has a variety of very powerful processes that people can use to achieve balanced and healthy changes in their lives. Changing long held patterns, done the right way, can be a lot easier than you realize. In my trainings and in my private Life and Health Coaching practice I’m often asked to help people change their long help habit of smoking cigarettes. This is always exciting because it is one of the easiest habitual patterns for people to free themselves of. I always ask people if, once they are no longer a smoker, they want to have withdrawal symptoms. Most people are excited to know that they don’t have to have withdrawal symptoms when the quit smoking. As a former smoker, I have to admit that I was surprised and then curious the first time someone said he wanted withdrawal symptoms. Once we explored his very valid reason for wanting withdrawal symptoms, I asked him how long he wanted them for. He decided one year would work for him. I asked him to call me when his withdrawal symptoms disappeared. He called me exactly one year later to report that he woke up that day with out any withdrawal symptoms and with the confidence that he was now a non-smoker.
You can learn processes like this to make personal changes and help others in my workshop, “An Introduction to Neuro-Linguisitc Programming (NLP)” in Reno, NV March 3-4, 2017, hosted by Lisa Rizzoli and Tantra Sacred Loving. Check out following link to find out how you can qualify for the “early bird” special rate to hold your seat. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tantra-sacred-loving-presents-introduction-to-neuro-linguistic-programming-tickets-29893309694
Black Moon, Ins and Outs of Arousal, NLP and more …
Tantra Sacred Loving | October 2016 |
Hello Friends,
The leaves are changing, the air is crisp and cool, cuddling up in the blankets feels so good–Fall is here! I love the colors, the smells, processing apples and gooseberries, going on hikes in the mountains surrounded by natures colors and landscapes, it is an incredible life. Take a moment to enjoy the world around you, feel the vibrations and notice the sensations in your own body, expand the pleasure and see what happens. I get tingles just thinking about it. Tonight, September 30th, let’s celebrate the New Moon with a fire. This second New Moon of September is called a Black Moon and is considered “ultra feminine”. This month Kevin Brizendine and I are teaming up to teach the next series of The Ins and Outs of Arousal: Male Anatomy. We have a Class on Wednesday October 5, 2016 and the Hands-On Workshop on Saturday October 8, 2016 (which is filling up quickly. get your ticket today!). Kevin and I will share our wisdom, knowledge and experience with you as we guide you on a journey into the intricacies of male arousal and how to enhance, elongate and bask in the delights of this yummy energy. Join us as be combine Tantra and Somatic Sex education for a juicy mix of education, sacred sexuality… and fun! I am excited to introduce my friend Susan Grace Branch, she will be joining us in March 2017 in Reno to bring the powerful workshop, Introduction to Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming in Your Life.
Mark your calendars for upcoming Tantra Sacred Loving Events: Please check out all our upcoming events on the calendar page of Tantra Sacred Loving. If you are a fan of Facebook, please join us on the Tantra Sacred Loving Workshop Loving and Blessings to you, info@tantrasacredloving.com |
Welcome to September 2016 Newsletter
Tantra Sacred Loving | September 2016 |
Hello Friends,
Fall is in the air as we welcome the month of September into our lives. I hope summer was good to you, it was amazing for me and continues to be incredible with hikes, beach time, meditations, classes, workshops, events, private sessions, double dakini sessions (we will be offering a few more September 7-13 while Dana is in town) and connecting with so many people. It is truly a blessing to live this life. We have two new moon fires this month, one on September 1st The Pleasure Puja is scheduled for September 7, 2016. We will be exploring Pleasure through all our senses. It will be a highly energized and charged Puja I hope you all get to experience this at least one time in your life. Please purchase your ticket soon so we can gather the supplies we need to create the most amazing Puja. If you have any questions, please call or email me directly. And in October, Kevin and I are thrilled to be presenting a class on The Ins and Outs of Arousal: Male Anatomy; followed by a Hands-On Workshop. Dates and times will be announced soon. Watch the website and the FaceBook Page This month I am offering my favorite of all practices, Loving Myself Awake. Upon first waking up, before going to the bathroom or anything else, take a deep full yogic breath and tell yourself, “I love you! I appreciate you!” (this will be the mantra you use during the practice). Then beginning at your feet, touch yourself. This can be a massage, a light-feathery touch, tapping, kneading, whatever feels good. Take time to notice the sensations you feel in your hands and in your body, take full deep breaths, repeat the mantra and feel the delight as your body awakens. Slowly move up your leg (do one leg at a time), caress your calf, your knee, your thighs, your genitals to your other leg, move up over your buttocks, your hips, your belly, your back, your torso, your chest, breasts and nipples, your hands, your arms, your neck, your face, your head and your hair. This process takes about 6 minutes, you can take longer if you like. Enjoy, set your intention and begin your day. I would love to hear about your experiences, please send me an email and let me know how this works for you. Please check out all our upcoming events on the calendar page of Tantra Sacred Loving. And please join us on Facebook at Tantra Sacred Loving Workshop for fun and informational posts. Loving and Blessings to you, info@tantrasacredloving.com |
The Cards
Eleven days teaching with Charles Muir, TJ Bartel and Judith Shavani Davis at Source School of Tantra‘s CTE (Certified Tantra Educator) training opened new pathways for the continuation of expansion and growth.
This photo is of the cards that were drawn by participants that came for private sessions. The messages were perfect for each session–Tantra Magik continues to amaze me.
Congratulations to the newest graduating class of CTEs. Welcome to our Tantra family!
I love my life!
24 cards were drawn:
Falling In Love
Playing With Fire
Welcome Hot August Nights! A Sun and Moon Meditation
Hello Friends,August in Reno has started of with powerful heat. Let’s stay hydrated and cool. This month is a super busy month for me as I will be teaching a level 2 Teacher Training course in Boulder Creek, CA with Charles Muir of Source School of Tantra. And then there is BurningMan for so many in our community. I decided to take August off so the next puja, the Pleasure Puja, is scheduled for September 7th at 7:30PM, please note the new time. I am looking forward to sharing some delicious pleasures with you all.
I offer you a sun and moon meditation.
Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight and tall. Gently close your eyes and begin to notice your breath. Follow the breath as it flows in and out of your body, what are the sensations you notice? Be with this for a few minutes, when you are ready begin to deepen you breath. Take complete full inhales, fully expanding your lungs, hold completely full for a few moments, gently release the breath and hold completely empty for a few moments. Inhale and hold, on this exhale visualize the moon descending from your crown chakra (the top of your head) into your heart chakra (the center of your chest). Be with these sensations for a few moment until you are ready for your next inhalation. Now visualize the sun rising from your heart chakra up to your crown chakra. Hold that breath and feel the rays of the sun beaming into body. Continue with this setting of the moon, rising of the sun for at least 7 breaths. Release techniques and notice the sensations as you deepen into meditations.
Enjoy your August meditation, I look forward to seeing your in September…or sooner as our paths cross on this journey of life.
You can checkout the all events on the calendar page of Tantra Sacred Loving.
And please join us on Facebook at Tantra Sacred Loving Workshop.
Blessings to you dear one,
Elite Certified Tantra Educator info@tantrasacredloving.com. Lisa A. Rizzoli 775-741-4090