Tag Archive | meditation

Loving Myself Awake February 2017

Tantra Sacred Loving  |  February is for LOVE! Welcome to February Conscious Lovers, Are you ready to spice up your love life? Whether you are in partnership or single, there are techniques and practices you can utilize to bring more pleasure into your body. I highly recommend a morning practice of Loving Myself Awake, it is […]

Welcome Hot August Nights! A Sun and Moon Meditation

August Newsletter Hello Friends,August in Reno has started of with powerful heat. Let’s stay hydrated and cool. This month is a super busy month for me as I will be teaching a level 2 Teacher Training course in Boulder Creek, CA with Charles Muir of Source School of Tantra. And then there is BurningMan for […]

March 2016 Newsletter

Hello Friends, Welcome to Spring. The flowers are blooming, the animals are twitterpating, the days are growing longer and hibernation is coming to an end. It feels good to explore in nature, rototil  the garden and smells the sweat scents of the earth. February was the month of love! With the beautiful Opening to Love Puja […]

February 2016 Newsletter

Hello Tantra Sacred Loving Friends, Happy February! February is an extraordinary month of Tantra events in the Reno Area.  My friend, colleague and co-teacher, Mark Ray, will be joining me in teaching this month’s Opening to Love Puja and the February is for Lovers Weekend Workshop. Mark is a Certified Tantra Educator (Source School of Tantra), who primarily works in […]

Vibration of Color

Vibration of Color

Loving Myself Awake in the vibration and frequency of color!   

Sun Gazing & White Tantra

Spiritual practices enhance our connection to God, ourselves and others. Today I explored the beaches of Destin, Florida. Listening to the waves as I did my White Tantra followed by a sun-gazing, sunset meditation. It is a powerful experience to go deep within to the place of surrender and serenity.  I love my life!    […]

Spleen Mudra 

   Whatever we feel we have no control over we can put into the hands of the universal wisdom and love which are the ground of our lives.  ~Gertrud Hirschi It’s Mundra Monday and I almost forgot to post the Mudra for the week. This is a perfect Mudra for this week as we enter […]

Vayu Mudra

I am excited to delved deeper into the energies of mudras. I have purchased a card deck titled Mudras for Body, Mind & Spirit by Gertrude Hirschi. I will share with you every Monday the Mudra for the week. Let’s explore and practice together.  Mudras help us to strengthen the flow of energy and focus […]

Sanur Beach Meditation

Today’s sunrise meditation occurred at the beach in Sanur Beach in Bali, Indonesia.   As darkness fills with light, sounds shift from frogs singingto roosters crowing.  As darkness fills with light,sensations shift from coolnessto warmth. As darkness fill with light, scents shiftfrom dampness and mossy smellsto flowery fragrances of the blossoms.  As darkness fills with light, colors shiftfrom dark indigos, […]

Bali Day 6

www.emarkuponasacredjourney.com Day Six, Saturday, March 21 Whereas the night before Nyepi is raucous, rowdy and fun, Nyepi itself stands in stark contrast. Nyepi is the Balinese New Year and is known as the Day of Silence. At 6:00 AM, the entire Island essentially shuts down for 24 hours. This is the day to apply what […]