Tag Archive | mudra

April 2016 Newsletter

Tantra Sacred Loving  |  April 2016 Hello Friends, Welcome to this new month we call April. Each day reminds me it will soon be time to plant the garden and welcome the abundance that comes. I recently attending The Gathering of advanced students and teachers of Source School of Tantra. We learned and explored more […]

Mudra Monday happened on Tuesday 

This week’s Mudra is one of my favorites. Enjoy your week!      


It’s Mudra Monday! Let’s get our Mudra for the week on! This is a vitalizing and strengthening of the back, regulating the blood pressure, activating circulation and warming Mudra. I invite you to explore and experience the effects as you use this Mudra during meditation practice.     Image yourself to be elated, in love, striding […]

Digestion Mudra

    Happy Mudra Monday! Today’s Mudra reminds us to find the balance in life. Know when to say “no” and when to say “yes” in order to live more fulfilled lives that bring contentment and joy. Let’s explore moderation this week and see how it feels. I try to find the right balance in […]

JNANA-CHIN MUDRA (seal of teaching and knowledge) 

Through our connection with the cosmic consciousness we can give up – surrender – our fears, doubts, worries and daily burdens. In the security of this bond we are never alone. We are ALL-ONE. ~ Gertrude Hirschi   This mudra practice has increased my awareness of energy in my body. I am excited to explore this […]

Spleen Mudra 

   Whatever we feel we have no control over we can put into the hands of the universal wisdom and love which are the ground of our lives.  ~Gertrud Hirschi It’s Mundra Monday and I almost forgot to post the Mudra for the week. This is a perfect Mudra for this week as we enter […]

Vayu Mudra

I am excited to delved deeper into the energies of mudras. I have purchased a card deck titled Mudras for Body, Mind & Spirit by Gertrude Hirschi. I will share with you every Monday the Mudra for the week. Let’s explore and practice together.  Mudras help us to strengthen the flow of energy and focus […]