In case you missed it – I’m an Internationally Published Author!
Don’t miss this chance to change your life, Moms! Dear friends, A few days a go, I sent you an email about becoming an Internationally Published Author in a new anthology called Balance for Busy Moms. Well, the word is getting out there – people all over the world are reading this book! Have you gotten a […]
March 2014
Hello Dearest Friends, It has been a very busy month of amazing events with more opportunities arising every day. I hope this newsletter finds you in a place of gratitude for the abundance that is presented to you on a daily basis. In February we had the Love Puja, the Valentine’s Couples Workshop and the […]
2013-2014 Transition
Hello Dearest Friends, As 2013 comes to a close and we open to a New Year and a New Moon, I invite you to take a moment to look at your life this past year. What were the challenges of the year and how have you grown from those challenges? Find your gratitude for those […]
December 2013
Hello Beloved Friends, I am writing this to you from South Africa as I travel through Kruger National Park established in 1898. I am traveling with shamanic astrologer, Daniel Giamario, evolutionary astrologer, Maurice Fernandez and the founder of Global White Lion Protection Trust, Linda Tucker. It has been a fascinating excursion as we delve deeply […]
October Event List
Hello Beloved Tantra Community, Thank you for your continued love and support of our growing community. I invite you to join us for these upcoming events. The October New Moon Fire Ceremony will be at Gene’s house this Saturday, October 5th at 8:00PM. The next Puja is scheduled for October 9th; we will be exploring the 6th Chakra – […]
September 2013
Hello Beloved Tantra Community, Thank you for your continued love and support of our growing community. As many of you know, my best friend Stacey Berry transitioned from this world and on to the next great adventure. She passed away on July 29th with her family and dear friends beside her. I was blessed and […]

July 2013
Hello Beloved Tantra Community, I am so excited to watch our community grow. As we grow and work together, I would like to start doing more activities and explore Tantra in other ways. June and July have been busy months. I continue to take care of my girlfriend as she goes through her transition. Each […]
June 2013
Hello my beloved friends, My plan was to write the newsletter every full moon and talk about the full moon ceremony. However, things in my life shifted drastically and I’m a bit off schedule. After returning from Bali, I went into a deep, dark place of disparity, desperation and depression. I cried every day and […]
May 2013
Hello Beloved Tantra Sacred Loving Friends, Incredible full moon energy this month. I have been basking in the moonbeams and soaking in the sweet delights and moon-ifesting. My friend Kara Mari Ananda says: “The four steps of moon-ifestation are: Gratitude, Clearing, Visioning, and Action. When these steps are consciously practiced in alignment with the Full Moon, Waning […]
March 2013
Hello Beloved Tantra Friends, I am writing to you beneath a Full Moon with increased creative life force energies swirling intensely in my second chakra. I have been vibrating with these incredible energies for days as I watched the shadow of the moon shift and the reflection become more whole. Thoughts of being perfect, whole […]