Tag Archive | tantra
Awaken Your Senses
I am thrilled to be co-hosting Awaken Your Senses with Avinash. Join us for an evening of luscious yumminess! http://youtu.be/S4fnlzrtmbE
JNANA-CHIN MUDRA (seal of teaching and knowledge)
Through our connection with the cosmic consciousness we can give up – surrender – our fears, doubts, worries and daily burdens. In the security of this bond we are never alone. We are ALL-ONE. ~ Gertrude Hirschi This mudra practice has increased my awareness of energy in my body. I am excited to explore this […]
Spleen Mudra
Whatever we feel we have no control over we can put into the hands of the universal wisdom and love which are the ground of our lives. ~Gertrud Hirschi It’s Mundra Monday and I almost forgot to post the Mudra for the week. This is a perfect Mudra for this week as we enter […]
Vayu Mudra
I am excited to delved deeper into the energies of mudras. I have purchased a card deck titled Mudras for Body, Mind & Spirit by Gertrude Hirschi. I will share with you every Monday the Mudra for the week. Let’s explore and practice together. Mudras help us to strengthen the flow of energy and focus […]
October 2015 Newsletter
Click here to see the October Newsletter. There are so many events coming up! Check it out. If you would like to receive the Tantra Sacred Newsletter by email, please enter your email on the website. Click here for the link.
How deep can you go? Can you fully accept who you are, all of you, in this moment and know that you get to choose your next step on your journey? Looking deeply into ourselves takes courage and strength, to acknowledge our assets and imperfections. Loving and accepting the person that is you. It’s […]
Choice: The Free Graces You remain standing there with your precious golden apple in your hand, contemplating, “To whom shall I give this?” ~The Pillow Deck We are of free will to choose the path we want to follow. Do you follow your heart? Your head? Your passion? Your desire? Do you play it […]
Today’s card draw is Abundance. What is abundance? One definition states, “copious quantities of something…” Meditating on this definition, I can find abundance in copious quantities in my life. I have an abundance of friends and loved ones. I have an abundance of love and pain. I have an abundance of passion and desire. […]
Yamas Puja
This series of Puja, exploring the yamas, have been extraordinary events. I love diving into the teachings of these spiritual principles so I can present and share them with the puja participants. I have been enjoying the pre-puja mantra chanting as well. Mantra practice opens the channels and brings more vibration and sensation into […]
Forget everything you ever heard about sex and religion…
Six To understand the erotic carvings on the temples at Khajuraho or Ellora or the myriad archaic ithyphallic Shivas, Krishnas cupping, ithy-nippled Radhas, imagine a Sistine Chapel whose high-domed ceiling is covered with gods and goddesses as perfect lovers in mystic-erotic embraces, unable to get enough of themselves inside one another, drawn by sacred forces […]