Yamas Puja

This series of Puja, exploring the yamas, have been extraordinary events. I love diving into the teachings of these spiritual principles so I can present and share them with the puja participants. 

I have been enjoying the pre-puja mantra chanting as well. Mantra practice opens the channels and brings more vibration and sensation into the body. It is an incredible experience. I highly recommend exploring a mantra practice. 

Here’s a beautiful testimonial I recently received: 

Hello Lisa. This seems like a good time to thank you again for the pujas I felt so fortunate [and terrified] to attend. You are one of the best teachers I have met. Thank you for helping to make a clearer path more accessible even to me. Love and mamaste. 

    Elise ~ Reno, NV 

See you at the next puja! 

Loves & Hugs
