
Blissful Moments 

Loving Myself Awake in this beautiful temple space in Mountain View, Californina. Feeling blessed and grateful for the opportunities to expand, explore and live in abundance. Appreciating the beauty of this life.  “Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life.”  ~ Wayne Dyer        

Let’s Dance! 

Loving Myself Awake in Sunnyvale, California. Feeling the cravings for movement in my body. It’s a day to dance and celebrate.  Dance is an incredible modality for moving energy and opening the chakras. Providing the body ways to work through aches and pains, releasing blocked energy and bringing more joy in. Activating muscles and tissue […]

Venus Gazing 

As I lie awake in bed, I begin my morning Loving Myself Awake practice. Venus is shining brightly and twinkling seductively. My attention focuses on this light. It is intriguing, calling me.  I sit up to meditate with Venus as my focus point. I feel the her light streaming into my body, the sensations and […]


Good Morning, Loving Myself Awake with this beautiful sunrise. It’s a morning of reflecting and connecting with what I want to bring in to 2016. I am eager to explore the possibilities and increase my awareness of what is available.  What are you calling in this year? What do you want to do different? What […]

I Love Receiving Testimonials. 

I recently received this email from a man who came to me for a private Tantra session. I am grateful for the gifts I have been given and for all the people who have said YES to opening and having this experience. This is why I do what I do. Your blessed soul is a force […]

Mudra Monday happened on Tuesday 

This week’s Mudra is one of my favorites. Enjoy your week!      

Spleen Mudra 

   Whatever we feel we have no control over we can put into the hands of the universal wisdom and love which are the ground of our lives.  ~Gertrud Hirschi It’s Mundra Monday and I almost forgot to post the Mudra for the week. This is a perfect Mudra for this week as we enter […]

Vayu Mudra

I am excited to delved deeper into the energies of mudras. I have purchased a card deck titled Mudras for Body, Mind & Spirit by Gertrude Hirschi. I will share with you every Monday the Mudra for the week. Let’s explore and practice together.  Mudras help us to strengthen the flow of energy and focus […]

Loving Myself Awake

Loving Myself Awake is a daily practice of awakening the body, mind and soul to become aware of subtle energies and sensations. It include conscious touch, breath work, meditation and sound.  I’ll be teaching the practice in the next puja. See you soon.  Blessings!  Lisa    

Brahmacharya Puja

  Wednesday evening we will be chanting and connecting beginning at 6:50PM. We will prepare the space for puja by chanting a mantra imbued with our intentions to explore the topic of Brahmacharya–Divine Conduct.