Tag Archive | tantra

Emerald-Fire of Abundance/Ray of Magnificence 

   The emerald is connected to the heart center, enrichening all life. It represents abundance and magnificence.  As I look at the books I’ve been reading and the experiences I have explored, this card resonates and is perfect. Today, I say goodbye to the Bay Area with Love and Gratitude. It’s been an amazing week […]

Smoky Quartz – Clearing/Miracles 

Smoky Quartz of the air element is a crystal known to aid in the detoxification process. It helps to balance the root chakra and free impurities.  Here we go, let’s start Attracting higher frequencies now!     It is a wonderful time to regroup and replenish your own energy. If you are dealing with issues that […]

Rutilated Quartz – Going with the Flow

  This card carries a powerful message of trust and faith in the universe. Knowing the guidance is there at all times, it a matter of believing, letting go and flowing.  Our only responsibility is to be creators and radiators of light. When we cease struggling and allow ourselves to let go, we ensure with was […]

Amethyst -Spiritual Alchemy/Transformation 

I love Amethyst and am excited it has appeared in my reading today. I can feel the fire element in my blood. I trust my inner wisdom and feel the empowerment of my choices. I live an amazing life, full of adventure and beauty.  Amethyst stimulates a greater love for the Universal principles of peace […]

Kunzite – Clear Path to the Heart

  Today’s card is Kunzite.  It represents the wise heart that prefers to seek romantic encounters of a high nature.~Dawn Silver and Pat Gullett Exploring the inner depths of my heart space and I travel this journey. Looking at past lessons to grow into the present moment. What do I want? How do I want to […]

Peridot -Forgiveness and Healing

   Today’s card is Peridot. Perfect for me today as I am doin an exercise of contemplating my weaknesses and strengths. This card reminds me to be gentle and forgiving of myself.   It is a crystal that can unravel deep-seated emotional patterns found in the third chakra. It’s gentle ray encourages us to release any […]

A Moment to Read 

In between appointments today, I sit in the warmth of the sunlight reading and contemplating the joys of my life. Loving and cherishing the  relationships present in my life.  …relying on the ideas described in this book, we have achieved its promise of “passionate friendship.” As we have been pleased to discover, being in a […]

The Light

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Marianne Williamson  I love when the Universe […]

The Torajan Legend of Buntu Kabobong or Gunung Nona

Legend has it that the mountains are “ladders” between people and the Creator. The highest caste family of Pong Mula Tau lived in the valley. Pong Mula Tau had two children, a boy and a girl. As the children became of age, the father began a search for suitable marriage partners, but could not find […]

Torajan Traditional Name: How I came to be NeNathan

When a child is born in Toraja it is given the name “Lei” for a girl or “Tato” for a boy. Around one year old the child is given it’s formal name. Once a couple has a child the mother’s name becomes “Indo + child’s name”, mother of … , father becomes “Ambe’ + child’s […]