Tag Archive | love

February 2016 Newsletter

Hello Tantra Sacred Loving Friends, Happy February! February is an extraordinary month of Tantra events in the Reno Area.  My friend, colleague and co-teacher, Mark Ray, will be joining me in teaching this month’s Opening to Love Puja and the February is for Lovers Weekend Workshop. Mark is a Certified Tantra Educator (Source School of Tantra), who primarily works in […]

Let’s Dance! 

Loving Myself Awake in Sunnyvale, California. Feeling the cravings for movement in my body. It’s a day to dance and celebrate.  Dance is an incredible modality for moving energy and opening the chakras. Providing the body ways to work through aches and pains, releasing blocked energy and bringing more joy in. Activating muscles and tissue […]

February is For Lovers

Please join Tantra experts Lisa A. Rizzoli and Matk Ray for a weekend of connecting, exploring and expanding in relationship. It’s a Tantra workshop developed to enhance your pleasure.   Get your tickets today https://www.eventbrite.com/e/february-is-for-lovers-weekend-course-for-conscious-lovers-tickets-20244554006  

I Love Receiving Testimonials. 

I recently received this email from a man who came to me for a private Tantra session. I am grateful for the gifts I have been given and for all the people who have said YES to opening and having this experience. This is why I do what I do. Your blessed soul is a force […]

Mudra Monday happened on Tuesday 

This week’s Mudra is one of my favorites. Enjoy your week!      


   How deep can you go? Can you fully accept who you are, all of you, in this moment and know that you get to choose your next step on your journey?  Looking deeply into ourselves takes courage and strength, to acknowledge our assets and imperfections. Loving and accepting the person that is you.  It’s […]



   Choice: The Free Graces  You remain standing there with your precious golden apple in your hand, contemplating, “To whom shall I give this?” ~The Pillow Deck  We are of free will to choose the path we want to follow. Do you follow your heart? Your head? Your passion? Your desire? Do you play it […]



   Today’s card draw is Abundance. What is abundance? One definition states, “copious quantities of something…”  Meditating on this definition, I can find abundance in copious quantities in my life. I have an abundance of friends and loved ones. I have an abundance of love and pain.  I have an abundance of passion and desire. […]

Kunzite – Clear Path to the Heart

  Today’s card is Kunzite.  It represents the wise heart that prefers to seek romantic encounters of a high nature.~Dawn Silver and Pat Gullett Exploring the inner depths of my heart space and I travel this journey. Looking at past lessons to grow into the present moment. What do I want? How do I want to […]

A Moment to Read 

In between appointments today, I sit in the warmth of the sunlight reading and contemplating the joys of my life. Loving and cherishing the  relationships present in my life.  …relying on the ideas described in this book, we have achieved its promise of “passionate friendship.” As we have been pleased to discover, being in a […]