October 2012

Hello Beloved Friends,

As the season changes from summer to fall, I am reminded of how my life changes. My focus, my desires, my fantasies, my dreams have shifted periodically through time. Recently, I have been witnessing another shift in my reality.  I have been meditating and breathing into “what does that mean”? A new, different perspective has been evolving, just as Pujas are evolving, workshops are evolving, private sessions are evolving, the quiet mind is evolving—ahhhh perhaps this is the EVOLUTION. I am curious about your thoughts on this matter and the shifts you have experienced in your lifetime.

At the end of September, I attended a celebration of life ceremony for Mike McInerney, my teacher, my mentor, my friend. It was a beautiful ceremony with his daughters performing poetry, music and dance in honor of their father and watching his beautiful wife, Camille, dedicate her dance to her beloved husband. The emotions and feelings of LOVE surrounded us. As we raised our glasses to toast Mike at Lake Tahoe, the sun was setting and a segment of a rainbow appeared. We all felt Mike’s spirit and the segment morphed into a heart giving us the ultimate sign of his presence, love and support.

Mike and Camille initiated me into Sacred Spot MassageTantra Sessions. I met them at my first teacher training module of Divine Feminine Awakened Masculine Institute in Hawaii, where I became aware of the powerful healing modality that was being presented and I felt a calling to be deeply involved in this work. During our mentorship, I worked, learned, played, laughed, and cried with Mike and Camille as we uncovered, discovered and opened up amazing space for us all to explore, expand and contract in this work. They have been incredible in holding space, supporting and guiding me on this journey.

With love and gratitude, honor and respect, I say goodbye to the physical form of Mike McInerney. Mike’s essence, presence, spirit and love will be with me as I continue my spiritual journey.

This month’s puja, THRILLER PUJA will be structured differently. I look forward to discovering how it unfolds and develops, eager to share this experience with you.

Upcoming Events:

October 15                 NEW MOON FIRE                                          8:00PM                      FREE

At Gene Poplin’s for more information please call Gene 775-560-5096

October 19                 THRILLER PUJA

Spirits, Spiders and Tarot*                           7:00-9:00PM                         $10.00

November 2             GRATITUDE PUJA

Abundance & Love                                        7:00-9:00PM                          $10.00

*These events will be at the Gerber Medical Clinic 1225 Westfield Avenue. Please join us on this journey of spiritual growth, radiating light, unconditional love and more happiness in the world. Register today.

If you would like to be added to our Tantra Sacred Loving Closed Group on FaceBook, send me a FaceBook message. This group is for those interested in the Healing Arts, Conscious Connection, and Spiritual Practices. Members are encouraged to participate and interact with one another consciously, kindly and lovingly.

May your journey be filled with JOY, BLISS and HAPPINESS.

Blessings of Love & Light
