Balance For Busy Moms –International Best Seller

I’m proud to tell you that the 1st book that I co-authored, Balance for Busy Moms – A Stress-free Guide to Tranquility, was released on Amazon on Friday and we got the International BEST SELLER status only a few hours into launch.
What does this mean? It means that people all over the world are ordering and reading this book.

I know how being a mom can be stressful and frustrating even as it is rewarding and joyous. I know how we all have demanding schedules and intangible tasks. But, I also know that we need to create a calm center for a more balanced life. If you agree, get started by ordering your book now!

This will be a great gift to yourself, your mom, or your girlfriends:)


Balance for Busy Moms has 30 unique lessons, written by 30 incredible women, showing you the ways to achieve a more calm and balanced life. My chapter is Lesson #11 – A Busy Mom’s Most Important Love Affair. I hope you enjoy our book as much as I do!

Helping to balance your world,

Lisa A. Rizzoli


P.S. Check out our website at  and join our Facebook group  to find stories, advice and techniques that will inspire you to achieve joy and tranquility1800342_590856117667047_144274864_n