Tag Archive | ejaculation

Testimonial of Orgasm vs Ejaculation Class May 11, 2016

Feedback from students feeds our souls. I get so excited when students share their “ah-ha” moments, it reminds me when I do what I love with passion, people feel it. This testimonial was received from the Orgasm vs Ejaculation class Kevin Brizendine and I taught on May 11, 2016.   “This is the first health […]

Multi-Orgasmic Man! What? May 2016 Newsletter

Multi Orgasmic Men! What? |  May 2016 Hello Friends, What is this talk of the Multi-Orgasmic Man? Kevin Brizendine and I will be sharing our experiences, some incredible techniques and practices you can explore to become a Multi-Orgasmic Man on May 11, 2016.  This class is open to men, women, couples, singles,  people who want to learn about the […]