FREE Intro Talk: Beltane Great Rite Ritual

March 5, 2018 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Gerber Medical Clinic
1225 Westfield Ave
Reno, NV 89509
Lisa A. Rizzoli

Join Tantra Educators Lisa A. Rizzoli and Kevin Brizendine for an evening of possibilities. Lisa and Kevin will share and discuss the upcoming ritual, The Great Rite of Beltane, weaving Celtic, Sacred Sexuality, Tantric and Shamanic practices together. They are excited to share and co-create a beautiful ceremony to honor the renewal of life and Spring!

In this free talk the following topics will be discussed:

  1. Brief history of Beltane –
    1. a. May pole
    2. b. Handfasting
    3. c. Jumping the broomstick
    4. d. Fires
  1. The Great Rite-Our Version
  1. a. a re-enactment of the Sacred Marriage
  2. b. Sacred Marriage, Heiros Gamos, union of the Earth and Sky
  3. c. Combining Sacred Sexuality, Tantra, Celtic & Shamanic Practices
  1. The Participants
  1. a. This ritual is for those who are ready to expand in their spiritual practices, to explore a more intimate ritual, to experience heightened collective consciousness energy
  2. b. The ritual is an invite only event. People will be invited to the actual ritual based on their class attendance, performance and commitment. The ritual can also be performed by individuals off-site, holding space in remote locations.
  1. Class descriptions
  1. a. History of Beltane, Archetypes, sacred attire
  2. b. Directions, Energy, Breath & Presences
  3. c. Sacred Contracts, Touching the Goddess Spot
  4. d. Preparing for Ritual, food, flowers,

All Classes at Gerber Medical Clinic

The location for the Great Rite will be disclosed at the last class

  1. Orgasmic Fire Breath–Let’s practice this potent breath work to enhance the moment
  2. Cost

This talk is open to individuals and couples who are interesting in learning more about what is possible in terms of sexuality and spirituality.